| Jay, YUAN, AIO, 111, SCRC, BeYo, FTC, ARCHH, SRDOG, LOKAL, 10BC, Albion Indonesia Raya, WOLFCRY, FlowerCity, Forsaken Light, Holidays, Dworf | 33 | 17 | 2.8m |
| PXU, NBM, GAYY, VR1, FTC, 111, SCRC, CUI, ACES, VOUS, LOKAL, EON, POBRE, ARCHH, FARM, DOES, SS, 10 J Q K A, GARUDAA, Forsaken Light, LegendaryK, As One Wishes, AKATSUK1, FlowerCity, Oath Keepers, KAMUYLIBRA1, Cult_of The_Dead, The Wind Bless You, Just for overcharge | 54 | 35 | 2.2m |
| Jay, EON, YUAN, 111, 1300M, FTC, Seeds, VOUS, WALK, LOKAL, SCUM, AR, The Wind Bless You, WonderBoiz, FlowerCity, As One Wishes, Forsaken Light, Gravity Legion, Exequitors, OODr, AHJlN, Petualang Indonesia, MOST TOXIC VENOM, Not Sure | 54 | 34 | 2.7m |
| KO, LIGHT, Seeds, ARCHH, SCUM, BEER, POBRE, 888, FTC, Dread, PADJAJARAN, BeasTDaK, Sterling Eagles, T0P-G, FlowerCity | 23 | 6 | 116.4k |